Conversation between Anna and Anna's aunt Arundhati .

Conversation between Anna and Anna's aunt Arundhati .














Conversation between Anna and Anna's aunt Arundhati .



Anna: That naughty boy,he overturned my boat.



Arundhati:Don't worry.I will make another one for you.



Anna:What If he takes that one too?



Arundhati:Ok then I will make a few more for you.



Anna:What If he takes all of them?



Arundhati:No. He won't.I will make a few for him as well.



Anna:But ,why should you make boats for him?



Arundhati:He seems to be a poor child.



Anna:Then, Why can't he make them himself ? He is so big.



Arundhati:May be no one has taught him how to make boats.



Anna:Why? Doesn't he go to school? He is so rude.






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