Equal shares and what is left || Class-4 || Unit - 7 || Mathematics || Whiteboardweb

Equal shares and what is left || Class-4 || Unit - 7 || Mathematics || Whiteboardweb










1.Among the numbers from 1 to 100,which ones have zero at one's place?Divide them by 2,5 and 10.



All numbers with zero at one's place can be divided by 2,5 and 10 leaving no remainder.



2.Which are the numbers between 10 and 20 which don't leave a remainder on dividing by 6?


12 ,18




3.Find the remainders on dividing the numbers below by 4







Any thing special about the remainders?



When we divide the numbers by 4 the remainder will be 1 , 2 , 3 , 0.The remainder is always smaller than the divisor.


What are the possible remainders on dividing a number by 6?



The remainder is always smaller  than the divisor.


The milk society got 282 litres of milk one day.To fill it in 5 litre cans,how many cans are needed? How more litres of milk are needed to fill one more can ?

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