EVS || Revision || Unit - 1|| Fields and forests ||LSS Practice || Whiteboardweb.blogspot

EVS || Revision || Unit - 1|| Fields and forests ||LSS Practice || Whiteboardweb.blogspot


 1)Biggest frog in the world?


2)Organisms complete their life cycle on land and in water is called ---


3)Antlion and termite lives on (soil,water,tree)


4)Rock and sand are examples of -----


5)'Plants need air for breathing'.Is the statement is true?


6)Mangroves are example of----


7)---- is the habitat of many organisms.


8)----give oxygen into the atmosphere.


9)Fish breathes through its---


10)Frog breathes through its ---in water


11)Salvinia is an example of---


12)---rain forest is also known as the lungs of the earth.


13)Make matching pairs


Adaptation         Tortoise 


Fresh air            Amphibian

Toad                  Certain 


Octopus             Tree


Bush                  Water


Oar -like legs     Ecosystem

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