Know Your Land || Unit - 12 || Class - 4 || EVS || Whiteboardweb

Know Your Land || Unit - 12 || Class - 4 || EVS || Whiteboardweb











 Unit - 12

Know Your Land





1.Our land has changed a lot from the past. In what areas have these
changes come upon?Write.





In the past










In the past








In the past









In the past








 Public Institutions



In the past








2. So many changes have happened to our land from the past. Why
these changes are happening?




 The changes were made according to the needs of the people.The changes in the land improved the standard of living of the
people. Changes continue to occur as the needs increase.






3.Who owns the responsibility for fulfilling the common needs of the
people of a land?





Today Local Self Government fulfil the common needs of people of a
locality.The people of a locality elect their representatives to these Local Self Government.The representatives are elected by voting. 





4.Which are the Local Self Government bodies?




 Grama Panchayaths, Municipalities and Corporations are the Local
Self Government bodies.


5.Which are the public Institutions?





 Schools,Police station ,  Panchayath office, library, post office etc.

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