EVS || Revision || Unit - 2 || The leaf too has to say || LSS Practice || Whiteboardweb.blogspot

EVS || Revision || Unit - 2 || The leaf too has to say || LSS Practice || Whiteboardweb.blogspot

1) All roots are similar in ---- root system.

2)Which root system grows more deeply in the soil?

3)The thick leaf-like part seen in the plumule of the germinating seed is the-----

4)The part that comes out after the radicle is called---

5)-----becomes the root of the plant.

6)The food required for a seed to germinate, is stored in the----

7)The network like venation in leaves is called ----

8)Plants having two cotyledons are called ---

9)The part that comes out first from the germinating seed is called ----

10)In ---plants the inner part is hard.

11)Banyan leaf is an example for ---- venation.

12)Cashew is a ---plant (dicot,monocot)

13)A thick main root is seen in---root system.

14)In ----venation the veins in the leaves do not touch one another.

15)---becomes the stem of the plant.

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