The language of birds || Class - 4 || Unit - 3 || English || Whiteboardweb

The language of birds || Class - 4 || Unit - 3 || English || Whiteboardweb


Touch here

Picture story




Read the following story with the help of the pictures given.

mother congratulated him.

Read the following story with the help of the pictures given.(Text book - 78)


Write a story of your own.Use pictures for words wherever necessary.



Try to find out the answer from the clues.



1. I am a beautiful place.

I am the home of many animals.

Many trees grow here.

Who am I ?





2.I am a friend of rain.

You close your eyes when I come.

My first letter is "L"

Who  am I?




3.I am a friend of Ivan.

I am a bird.

I can sing sweetly.

Who  am I ?





The secret (Page number - 64) 





Who whispered the secret in Ivan's ears?


The nightingale






Make paper birds.





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